Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Arts and culture being 'systematically removed from UK education system'

Great article here on The Guardian which is most definitely worth read!


I feel that the arts in all aspects are needed in schools no matter what the age is of pupils. Acting can benefit you throughout your life in day to day situations. Some of the things it can benefit are: interviews, sales,  group collaboration skills, promotes leadership, empathy and general communication abilities can all be developed through the studying and practice of drama.

Drama In Schools,

Just found some great tips for helping create a safe, respectful and controlled environment!
The drama classroom can often be challenging for a teacher, especially when you have certain students who don't want to participate which can have an effect on they way the other students react to the activities given.  Finding the right balance can be hard and draining, as not everyone there wants to get involved and establishing ways of controlling this can also be difficult.

I just read on: https://dramateachersnetwork.wordpress.com/2011/05/08/managing-students-in-the-drama-classroom/  There's some fab different ideas and tips that can be used during classroom time. I especially like the idea of collaboration with your students of the classrooms rules which enables them to feel 'ownership of their classroom and their learning'.